The vagina serves of ticket of the egg of the uterus until the cloaca. In the region vaginal uterus the glands are located hostesses of spermatozoa. The spermatozoa if store after the artificial insemination there or mount natural, when then they are dislocated in saw ascendant in direction to infundbulo (RUTZ; FERNANDO, et al, 2007, P. 308). Salpingite is inflammation of oviducto. An increase of estrognios coincides with an increase of the population of coliformes in oviducto. Alimentaes poor collaborates for the incidence of salpingites for coliformes.
The salpingite can occur in extension of aerossaculite, for to have a virtual space between oviducto and aerial bags. It can occur for infection for saw ascendant of the vagina. Aerial infections of liver and bags are very common and associates. Virus (adenovirus), bacteria (Salmonella. Escherichia coli, etc.), fungos and its micotoxinas can be related to these patologias, causing mainly fall of the fertility, with reduction of the position and abnormalitys of this (BENEZ, 2001).
Vagina and glands hostesses of espermatozidesAs avcolas species present similarities in the reproductive treatment with other animal species (former. reptiles) had the presence of small farms specialized in the feminine treatment, in which the spermatozoa inhabit during periods drawn out after one cpula. Two distinct small farms in the avcolas species, one located in the uterus-vaginal junction exist and the other in the inferior portion of infundbulo. In both the small farms, the spermatozoa are stored in the glands hostesses, who if they characterize for being invaginaes of the epitlio of the lumen of tbulo (BAKST et al., 1994). The glands located in the uterus-vaginal junction are considered the main small farm of storage of spermatozoon in oviduto. No longer infundbulo goes to occur the fertilizao. These glands store spermatozoa during a period of 3 the 4 weeks in hens and the 8 15 weeks in turkey hens (BRILLARD, 1993), even so the fertile egg percentage starts to fall inside of 5-7 days in the hen and 14-21 days in the turkey hen.
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